Mera Armor Mera co-created by Jack Miller and Nick Cardy is a superhero of the DC comics who makes her debut in the eleventh issue of the Sea King (September 1963). She is the sea king's wife, the queen of Atlan...
Sinestro Corps Sinestro Corps co-created by Jeff Jones and Ethan Van Tin Chu is a supervillain team of the DC comics who makes its debut in Green Lantern Volume 4, Phase 10 (May 2006), and is one of the seven Lanter...
Star Sapphire CorpsStar profile: Star Sapphire Corps, also called the Star Blue Corps, is a subsidiary of the DC Comics superhero team, debuting in the Green Lantern (20) 4 (July 2007).They were created by Jeff Jones as...
Captain PlanetGaia, the goddess of the earth, has been unable to tolerate the destruction that human brought to the earth. she gives five magical rings respectively with land, fire, wind, water, psychic ability to ...
Mr.IncredibleMr.Incredible is a character in the animated movie "The Incredibles". His real name is Bob Parr, who was once one of the most respected supermen with incredible power. After living for 15 years away f...
SyndromeBrief IntroductionSyndrome is a talented inventor. When he was young, he was a big fan of Mr. Incredible. But unfortunately, Mr. Incredible thought he was somewhat troublesome, and he was a troublemak...
Elastic girlIntroduction: The elastic girl of the animated film The Incredibles is one of the most attractive women in the world of supermen who later become the wife of the strongest Mr. Incredible.The elastic g...
Fantastic Fourthe fantastic four is the superhero team of the Marvel Comics of the United States. It first appeared in the first phase of Fantastic Four (November 1961), consisting of four superpowers, including Mr...