

Cyclops is the Sicilian giants in Greek mythology, with the only eye growing on the forehead and the name in Greek means round eyes, being good at forging. According to Greek mythology, the first generation of Cyclops are children of  Uranus and Gaia, at a total of three. According to the ancient Greek poet Hesiod, they are strong, stubborn, and emotional; they are also good at manufacturing and using various tools and weapons.

In the game "Heroes", from Heroes 1 to Heroes 6, Cyclops subordinate to barbarians (points) camp. The image is a giant monster with a one-eye in the middle of the forehead.

The first generation of Cyclops is a hunchback. From properties, the damage is low in level 6 units, but the growth rate and attack are good, reasonable value life, 2 case attack ability and high chance to benumb the enemy. Cyclops' defense is very low, making it a very good goal. The second generation of Cyclops fixed the problem of the oversized head, being coordinated, and dressed in armor like cooking apron. The one-eye releases deadly ray, 20% of paralysis of the root and double lattice spewing as before.

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