
Kitty Pryde(Shadowcat)

Shadowcat is a virtual character created by Marvel Comics, a member of the X-Men. The film version by Canadian actor Alan Peggy, the Shadowcat can make herself converted into no entity state. In the "X-Men: Reverse the Future", the Shadowcat not only becomes the girlfriend of Iceman but also can help mutant reverse time. In the "X-Men: Reverse the Future", the Shadowcat uses her ability to reverse time and successfully sent Wolverine to 50 years ago. The Shadowcat can let teammates through a wall by contact. She can be transformed into a non-entity state, moving phase through solid. She has the ability to absorb energy shock and attack by phase shift. The ability to move other people through objects and surfaces by shifting forces.

Relative movies are The Amazing X-Men, X-Men, and Days of Future Past.

Even with the cloak of the superhero, one can not cover the disappointment and reflection on the evil part of human nature. Perhaps that's the inherent and lingering dark undertone of the "X-Man" story.

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