

Mr.Incredible is a character in the animated movie "The Incredibles". His real name is Bob Parr, who was once one of the most respected supermen with incredible power. After living for 15 years away from praising virtue and punishing vice, Bob and his family have become normal civilians and moved to the suburbs to live an ordinary life. Bob, an insurance adjuster, is bored with his daily routine and puts on more weight in his affluent life. How wishful is Bob to go back to his thrilling life of Superman. One day, Bob accidentally received a secret mission, when he thought it's time to return and his superpower could finally come in handy, he found the former hero had been changed into "bear": bald hair, big belly, fat legs, and the belt can't be fastened by any means. In the film, the infinite strength of "Mr.Incredible" is the most outstanding superpower. Let alone that he can easily lift a car with his hands, he even uses two trains to exercise his muscles! "The Incredibles": an exciting visual experience.
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