
Ms. Marvel

Ms. Marvel is a subsidiary of American flood Marvel comic superheroes, debut in "wonder woman" (Ms. Marvel) 1 (January 1977), creating by Roy Thomas and Quiui Colan, total of four generations, the current Ms. Marvel is Kamala Khan.

Ms. Marvel

In captain Marvel (Michael - will) hometown, kerry empire (Kree) was hit by a Cree cosmic energy beam, carol won the light speed, energy absorption, explosion and other magical ability, and became Ms. Marvel. She became the captain of Ms Marvel after the death of Michael Will.

In the late 1970s, carol was portrayed as an independent feminist hero. For a time after that story, though the tragedy in her personal story complicated her life, the author still linked her to the avengers and the x-men. She also used Binary and Warbird titles for years.
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