
Ferro Lad

Ferrolad (formerly Andrew Nolan) is a member of the DC Jim superhero League. He first appeared in #346 Jim Shooter's Adventure Cartoon, joined the superhero Corps in the silver age, and died in The sun eater. His role was initially set as a character of the evil side, but the editor Mort Weisinger rejected the idea. The reason why ferrolad was chosen by the author as the "dead man" in The sun eater was also that. "Ferrolad, I wrote him to death because he was the evil party in my mind, but Mott said no, so I said, ' Let me see. I have a story of the embryonic form, but there is a man to die, aha, that's him.' So basically, I wrote him to death because with him I couldn't write the story I want, and it annoyed me." As a member of the superhero corps, he owns the Legion's flying ring, which allows him to fly and protect him in a vacuum and in other harsh environments.
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