

Rogue is a superhero from Marvel Comics. She made her debut in the 10th issue of "The Avengers Annual"  (August 1981). Anna Marie(Original Name) is a mutant. She can absorb people's memories and abilities through physical contact. But the ability absorbed will disappear in a few minutes. In the meantime, people who are absorbed will be in a state of absence. She covers the whole body in order to avoid her absorbance from friends. She has once absorbed the power of Amazing Woman off the reel and has long been capable of flying, strengthening physical strength and endurance. Now she can control her own power freely and simulate several people's superpowers without side effects. She is one of the X-Men. Related films areThe X-Men series, the Avengers Series.

Unlike other heroes, the X-Men has departed from typical American heroism, fully illustrating the truth that unity is power. Each mutant is not perfect. Although each of them has their own unique skills, they have weaknesses as well. Only the teamwork is the magic weapon of heroes. This film is a staple of the X-Men movies, receiving critical acclaim consistent high praise. At the same time, $300 million at the global box office also fully proved that the film has laid a solid foundation successfully for a sequel film and regression of hero movie types
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