April 23, 2019In order to realize Wen Ziren's idea of the justice league aquaman costume in the movie, considering the underwater background of the story, Barrett believes that everyone in Atlantis is in a state of...view
July 26, 2018As Justice League adapted from the cartoon of DC was wrapped in London, the shapes of characters were exposed gradually. Lately, Warner unveiled a set of photos of the sea queen Mera. We could see th...view
July 26, 2018In the period of being NO.37 spy:In The New 52 Forever Evil, Dick was kidnapped by the great hero from Earth 3 and was forced to be a body bomb. Only his death could stop it from exploding. Finally, ...view
April 23, 2019Spider-Man in Manwei must be very familiar to everyone. This superhero is absolutely the most popular and popular superhero among many Manwei heroes and many superheroes We know. However, this highly ...view