
Elastic girl

The elastic girl of the animated film The Incredibles is one of the most attractive women in the world of supermen who later become the wife of the strongest Mr. Incredible.The elastic girl is considered as the perfect image of an ideal woman: she has both elegance and strength in her body. When being a full-time housewife, she is gentle and responsible, taking off the superhero identity and doing everything like disciplining the elder sons and feeding the youngest. What is more valuable is that the superwoman is responsible for saving the world while taking care of her own happy family.

In the film, her superpower is to have an excellent elastic body. Her limbs can be infinitely stretched, just like a "rubber man". Her omnipotent body brings the audience a lot of surprises, and Pixar's imagination is admired world-widely.The Incredibles:The Incredibles has a rare cinematic quality with a stylish and classic feeling.
Elastic girl
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